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Call – 763-575-7585

A Non-Profit you can trust

 When you give to MNFI, 96% of every dollar goes straight to our mission. 

Scan here to donate to MNFI

Contact MNFI

Email –

Call – 763-575-7585

 When you give to MNFI, 96% of every dollar goes straight to our mission. 

A Non-Profit you can trust

Scan here to donate to MNFI

A Non-Profit you can trust

 When you give to MNFI, 96% of every dollar goes straight to our mission. 

Contact MNFI

Email –

Call – 763-575-7585

Scan here to donate to MNFI

Copyright © 2019 — 2024 by the MN Fundraising Initiative. All rights reserved. All materials, content, and forms contained in this document are the intellectual property of MN Fundraising Initiative and no part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, displayed, or transmitted in any form or by means electronic or mechanical without the written consent of the MN Fundraising Initiative.

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